Zoltar, Aliens, Hauntings, and Croissant ...

Zoltar, Aliens, Hauntings, and Croissant Doughnuts (Cronuts) in Boulder City

Apr 10, 2023


We're back!  After a year of traveling and reading many books on paranormal phenomena, we are still committed to bring you the mid-western low-brow humor you've come to expect as we discuss the paranormal and recipes. 

This episode features a hacked Cronut (Croissant Doughnut) from
For 12 doughnuts
-all purpose flour, for dusting
-2 packages frozen puff pastry
-1 large egg, beaten
-1 cup vanilla frosting
-1 tablespoon whole milk

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Lay a puff pastry sheet flat on a lightly floured surface. Use a pastry brush to cover the sheet completely with the beaten egg. Fold the sheet into thirds along the creases, like a letter, and place on the prepared baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining 3 sheets of puff pastry. Refrigerate until stiff and completely chilled, about 1 hour.
Preheat the air fryer to 350°F (180°C) for 20 minutes. Set a wire rack over a baking sheet.
Remove the puff pastry from the refrigerator and use a 3-inch round cutter to cut out 12 rounds, 3 per sheet. Use a 1-inch round cutter to cut out the center of each pastry round. Remove and discard the scraps, or air fry for chef’s snacks.
Working in batches, place the donuts in the air fryer, spacing 1 inch apart, and cook until the donuts have puffed completely and are golden brown all over, about 15 minutes. Transfer to the wire rack.
Make the icing: In a medium bowl, stir together the frosting and milk until smooth. Transfer the mixture to a small piping bag and cut a hole in the tip. Pipe the icing on the top of the donuts.

Introduction sequence

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