A big thank you!

Oct 10, 2023

I have been wowed by the generosity people are showing to support TheObsPod. When I initially set up this page I had no idea if people really would want to contribute, I felt awkward about asking people to donate, after all I am well paid as a doctor in comparison to many people. I had realised however that I was producing a useful resource both for fellow maternity staff, students and new parents & I had ambitions to try and get the podcast to a wider audience. I was paying a modest monthly fee to keep the podcast alive, but while I wanted to do more, everything costs money. This is where you my kind supporters come in. I am using the money everyone has kindly donated to subscribe to a transcription service so that new episodes come with an automatic transcript. I am hoping this makes the podcast accessible to people who do not speak English or who are hard of hearing. I just want to say thank you so much to all my supporters for helping me with the podcast each message and donation spurs me on to continue recording new episodes , exploring new topics and keep TheObsPod alive. Thank you!

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