My Amazing Body

Dec 26, 2021

This health science podcast covers a different part of your body every episode with the help of medical professionals and stories from everyday people. The Australian podcast is produced by Queensland Health and started in 2019. Sadly, it does look like the podcast has ended or is on a very long hiatus. Before its untimely departure, 26 episodes were published all on average about 30 minutes long. Owltail has the most popular episodes for the show being The Liver and Gender. My favorites are The Ears and The Gut Microbiome. The last five episodes focused on mental health which was done really well. They have a Youtube channel but I only saw a full episode or two up. Apple Podcast has 5 out of 5 stars but only 6 ratings which is crazy for such a well-done show. The script is narrative with each episode starting out by explaining what the body part or system does and how it functions. I love the music and sounds used in the podcast. While there is an outro jingle the intro is done with the sound of a beating heart! Which I think is super cool. The only trigger warnings for this show are health-related and pretty clear by the episode title. So if you have a hard time hearing someone describe anxiety that might be a good episode to skip. But yeah really love this podcast and hopefully, with enough interest in it, we can get it to come back.

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