I Should Write More

I Should Write More

May 06, 2024

You know you've had a good day when you accomplish what you set out to do, the cats have been fed, the WIFI is behaving and you're warm and cozy trying to keep those cats from snacking on the remote. The wife is also happy in case you're wondering.

So here I am, looking at my phone checking if anyone has messaged me (no one has messaged me), waiting for a cup of tea to reach drinkable temperature. I feel like I have consumed the vast majority of the internet today and I cannot for the life of me consume anymore. But I can consume this tea.

I should probably mention that I don't think I will post this for people to read and I'm okay with that for now. I'm kind of reliving my blogging days when I used to do this every week and right now I can't seem to string a sentence together. As the old Proverb goes, "Use it or lose it". I'm using it, but as practice. Because I made IP excuses for myself for why I can't write: Oh I'm too busy, I'm painting, I'm modeling, I'm watching Top Chef. The excuses have worked well these past 3 Years (OH MY GOSH IT'S BEEN 3 YEARS!) but sitting here basically staring at nothing is making those rusty gears turn just a little bit. Who knows, I could bring this writing thing back!

Anyway, I should write more. That's it. That's the point of this post. I'll probably write again tomorrow. Or in the next 3 years.

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