I'm just going to start with a hardcore YES, your business needs a blog— if you have a digital home, aka a business website— that's the best answer. There are many reasons why this is the case for marketing a business today, but taking your blog seriously increases your chances for digital marketing and brand-building success.
I talked to Lisa Sicard (and often do! lol) of the critically acclaimed Inspire to Thrive blog, and she is all about SEO (search engine optimization) for growing traffic and engaging visitors via your website. She explains in our recent Spaces Audio Event discussion on X (Twitter) that answering the questions people are asking (user intent) is one of the main ways to start framing the SEO formula for your blog.
Watch the video below to hear everything Lisa has to say, stressing the importance of paying attention to search, and how trying to gain attention in search results benefits you.
Not only will search engines send you traffic when you are answering the questions people are asking, but that traffic is already interested in the topic they are searching for, and you are talking about. Because buyers or potential buyers often require multiple touchpoints with your business, your blog acts as the perfect bridge for people to get to know about your business/products/services, making them more likely to make a purchase.
Your blog content gives you multiple ways to allow people to investigate your business further. To get to know you. When they find relevant, interesting, and valuable information via your blog, your reputation and trustworthiness also grow.
Blog Content That Matters
One great thing about blogs today and into the future is that the types of content and media at your disposal is unlimited. Some of you will take a Vlog approach, making video content the centerpiece to share ideas, information, and more on your blog. Others may stick to written content, and still others will go with a mixed or multi-media approach.
To decide what type or types of content to use, consider these 3 things first:
1- What content format appeals most to your audience or market?
2- What content format reflects the business/products/services of your business and industry best?
3- Which content type most fits your business resources and capabilities?
Creating multiple formats and leveraging content repurposing may extend your ability to gain new audiences, increase reach and impressions, and attract more business. However, if you're just starting out, you may want to concentrate on your top contender for the above 3 criteria and master that single highest quality type content first.
While repurposing content gets easier and easier to produce, especially with super fab tools like Castmagic, {affiliate link} it's still of utmost importance that your core piece of original content offers a strong foundation to easily amplify in multiple ways.
Creating a blog strategy within your content strategy helps keep your content cohesive and aligned with specific desired business results. Extending that strategy by amplification and distribution on social channels and with repurposed content also needs to be intentional and meaningful to enjoy the results you are trying to achieve.
You’re probably realizing this blog content thing isn’t just a haphazard blizzard of meaningless content!
Want to Learn More About Creating Business Blog Content?
Blogging is one thing a business can certainly optimize and leverage for search notice, social content, executing content marketing strategies, and more. But things continue to evolve and change in how to get things done. Keeping up with the mad push for more and more content in and of itself is not enough and gaining insights and trendsetting isn't all that easy anymore.
That's why I love collaborating with friends, clients, colleagues, and fellow business owners to put our heads together and figure things out. That's also why I want to start a tiny but smart space to work with you and share secrets to finding success in the digital world we love so much. Together.
But I need YOU and your help to make this small group idea happen and so I want to invite you on board NOW so you don't miss the first Workshop, or Masterclass, if your prefer coming up THIS MONTH, March 2024!!
Don't worry, if you miss anything LIVE, you will still get exclusive access as part of your Membership, and everything will be added to your exclusive Library of Resources, one of the benefits of joining me.
... you'll be happy you did!