Welcome to my Buy Me A Coffee Profile !

Welcome to my Buy Me A Coffee Profile !

May 26, 2021

Outside of my larger projects, I do often help people with smaller design tasks. What could take a person HOURS may take me 10-15 minutes. And often, I don't feel comfortable charging my hourly rate for some of these tasks, so I do it on the house. I feel that because I've been blessed so much in the last two years, this is a small way I can invest & give back to others. While people would be so honored & surprised by the generosity, they would also offer to be generous and ask, "well, can we at least send you money for coffee?". They know me so well.

One day while I was on Facebook, an ad for this platform came up. Of course the name (and branding) peaked my interest, and after doing some research I decided this would be a really fun way to not only accept coffee donations, but to also create a membership which many people have asked for in the past.

I've been familiar with Patreon because we setup my husband there, but we will actually be moving his podcast over here as well because Buy Me A Coffee offers more with less fees in place too. It's really a great space for content creators and I'm so excited to explore more of what it offers!!!

Moving Forward

Things are going to be shifting quite a bit in my business within the next few months and I wanted to be able to have a space where I can share design tips, resources, and also livestream behind-the-scenes while I am designing.

Once a month I am committed to doing a livestream & posting it here for members. If you're not interested in a monthly membership, you can still buy me a coffee if you'd like. As we grow the community, I want to do some fun giveaways including giving away laptops, Canva Pro, and more!

Thank you all for following my creative journey and being part of this. I'm so excited to share what's going on in the next few weeks ! (and thanks ahead of time to anyone who buys me a coffee!)

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