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What You Think You Thought

What You Think You Thought

Nov 29, 2023

Maybe I don't want to talk to you because you talked over me one too many times. Maybe it's because you tried to tell me what to do far more often than you had any right to. Or maybe it's because you assumed a closeness that was never there and never will be. Maybe it's because you once told me your name only to tell me it was something different when you didn't know it was me.

See, you're trying to catch someone who can never be caught by you, because while you're sinking into the ground, doubling down on what you think you thought, I've been in orbit the whole time, watching, circling around you, bringing in the tides. So maybe instead of chasing me with what you think you know, you should instead realize what you know could fit on the head of a pin, so stop trying to get into my head then.


Photo by Kristin Snippe on Unsplash

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