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Faceless, if you please

Faceless, if you please

Feb 17, 2024

If I was faceless, would you still talk to me? If you never knew the color of my eyes or the shape of my nose, would I still hold value to you?

Looks are the first thing to flee, they run and hide behind graying hair, sagging skin, and wrinkles from laughter, so if you never knew the face and curves behind my words, would you still be so quick to speak with me?

The answer is, of course, based on your reasoning for reading me. Did you show up because of a cute face in a profile photo, or were you lucky enough to stumble upon a random, un-proselike post full of feelings you couldn't quite explain but understood in your soul? I would ask if my humor, full of puns and bad jokes spilling over, caught your eye, but those words are usually hidden behind lock and key. No, I know what draws people to me, and it's never the answer I seek.


Photo by Nick Tree on Unsplash

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