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Breaking the Rules

Breaking the Rules

Nov 06, 2023

The rules are simple—don't fall. But when you fall as easily as breathing, it's too easy to break the one rule you must obey.

It starts simply enough. You catch each other's eye, dance around the subject as long as possible before giving in. But given time, it becomes impossible not to feel something, and with feeling, falling isn't far behind.

When you start to crave, that's when the problem starts. Craving their warmth, the scent of their skin on yours, their voice in your ear—cravings always cause problems because before long, you crave conversations long into the night that cause you to forget why you were there in the first place. You crave time that doesn't end when the sun comes up. You crave learning everything about them. You crave them completely.

If only you could quit cold turkey. Make the cravings stop after the withdrawals cease. But you don't want to quit because it feels so good to crave and be craved, to feel and be felt. Every time is like the first time, and you don't want it to end.

But eventually, you're standing at a fork. Don't break the rules and flee back to the known and to the safety of home, or, break the rules and fall off the edge and pray they catch you.

While always choosing the path of safety, there is forever the curiosity of what would happen if you found someone worthy of breaking the rules for.


Photo by Mark Duffel on Unsplash

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