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Books Previously Read

Books Previously Read

Oct 01, 2023


I love reading books previously read by others. Whether I'm buying them used, receiving them from a friend, or picking them up from the library, there is just something about reading words previously read and reread by someone before me that adds to the story itself in a way a never-been-read book can't. How many times did someone else trace over the lines of text with their fingers to fully absorb their meaning? As I read and trace over those same words with my fingers and eyes, I can only hope to tap into the previous reader's mind and emotions through the connection of letters and ink. And while I have a hard time parting with any book in my collection, I have hope that the next person to pick up the books I have decided require a new home will feel the same connection to me as their fingers trace over the words I have traced so lovingly.


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

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