The Art of wearing Heels!

The Art of wearing Heels!

Mar 19, 2021

I absolutely love wearing my high heel shoes! Weather its wedges or extra sexy stilettoes I love them all! That probably isnt a surprise lol. Yes heel are part of my glamor brand, but I do wear sneakers and other flats sometimes. Did you know that there is an art to wearing heels? Yes I know heels can be tricky but taking time to learn how to pick the right heels for you and how to properly walk in them will make it much easier and a lot less intimidating. So lets explore the art of wearing high heels together shall we.

!st if you are new to wearing heels start either with a short small heel , to get use to wearing heels and practice walking. Let the heel of the shoe touch the ground 1st, the the rest of the shoe. As the toe or pad of shoe touches the ground shift your weight from the heel to the toe pad. This helps with balance. Also slow small steps to start with and place one foot in front of the other as you walk. Now If you want to start with a higher heel, and skip the short heel, go with a shoe that has a wider heel. Honestly i perfer the chunky or wide heel. It is easier to balance and gives more support while giving the height! Again let the heel hit first the rest of the foot. Seriously take a little time to practice walking in your heels before wearing them for a day/night out! ( There are full workout videos of walking in heels) and I understand why! Wearing heels forces you to hold your body different and carry yourself different, so you need to get use to it before going out all day in them. So start small and work your way up or choose a wide chucky heel !

Posture is important! You want to hold your shoulders back and head up everything aligned! Try to avoid looking down at your feet, remember your body will follow your eyes so look up and in front of you. Again let me say a slower small steps are going to be your best bet ! And doing a smaller stride with the one foot in front of other step you look like a boss! Once you are confrontable in heels a quicker walking speed will be easier but for starters slower is better. Like the old saying you have to walk before you can run!

Now if you want to wear heels but have back or knee issues may I suggest a sturdy stylish wedge or perhaps platform style shoe? These give you the height and look of heels but with much more support and easier to balance! I love both options and wear both!!

Now picking heels for your outfit ! Its kinda same as any shoe really , I do prefer to match wedge sandals with shorts and if I am wearing a long dress or skirt i go for a chunkey less pointed heel to avoid getting caught in the dress. Jeans I like the high and wide heel for a kinda boot look or sexy stilettoes. Depending if I am going for high glam or casual look!

So do you love or hate heels? Would you like more tips ? if yes message me!

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