Staying Positive & Motivated while deali ...

Staying Positive & Motivated while dealing with Negative People & Comments

Nov 14, 2022

Have you ever been really excited about something , like a business idea, or project? And then you share that with someone, fully expecting them to share your excitement, only to be met with negative comments? I know first hand how sharing a goal or big dream with someone only to have say its crazy, not realistic , or foolish can kill your enthusiasm and confidence. Here is the thing though when they say it's impossible they are thinking about themselves and the limits they have placed on their self! That doesn't mean it is impossible for you. So when you get that feed back , smile and say thank you for your concern , but I think I'm going to do it anyway.

If you find yourself doubting yourself after talking with these negative people, take time to journal and write why you wanted to do this thing, why it is important to you, and all the ways you can see it working! This little exercise will help get you re motivated and feeling pumped again. It's hard to let go or give up on something you have a clear vison for, that's why I also encourage people to create a vision for their goals! And write a few power affirmations as well ! Never underestimate the power of I am statements! Hope you enjoyed this short post today! If you need help with creating your vision or connecting to your passion and purpose please message me for a free consultation , I would love to help you!

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