Making Pleasure a Priority!

Making Pleasure a Priority!

Jul 02, 2024

As I am starting my wellness and fitness journey, I decided I want to tone my arms up a little. Now weight training just isn't my thing. I have tried to stick to a routine because so many people said it was a must if I want to get in shape. Well the amount of dislike I have for weight and strength training made staying motivated to do the workouts very difficult. What others claimed was the best stress management tool around, was in fact causing me stress.

I sat down and asked myself, 'What is the most pleasurable way for me to achieve my wellness goals?" It didn't take long for the answer to come to me. Dance! I have always loved dance, and over the last couple of years belly dance and burlesque have become my favorite forms. So today I started back into doing some basic routines. The arm isolations {snake arms} , shimmies, and others really felt great as they worked the entire arm, not to mention areas of the upper back. I am actually looking forward to doing my daily workouts now. And of course, working on wellness means taking a look at my diet. And I can still eat foods that I love as long as I don't overdo it. And I am upping my water intake with the help of adding flavors to my water. I feel much more confident about my wellness goals now.

I have learned that by making pleasure a priority and asking myself what the most pleasurable way is to achieve my goals, it makes the entire process easier and less stressful. It's ok to enjoy yourself while working towards your goals. So in what ways can you make pleasure more of a priority in your daily life?

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