Let Your feelings guide you

Let Your feelings guide you

Apr 22, 2024

Pay attention to how you are feeling, and notice what is making you feel good, energized, happy, all of the good feeling. You also need to pay attention and take note on what is making you feel drained, stressed, what hurts your confidence, and just brings you down.

Our feelings are like a natural GPS to help guide us, the only problem is for far to long we have been taught to ignore our feelings and just focus on work and getting ahead. We are told stress is just part of life and we have to deal with it. For some reason work is not meant to be fun if you are going to make a living, and everyone seems to have ideas about what everyone else should want or consider success. While it is somewhat true that stress is a part of life, it shouldn't be allowed to rule our lives. Did you know stress is one of the top contributors to heart health issues like high blood pressure? So repeatedly going in to a job you hate and that stresses you out daily is affecting your health!

Take a deep breath in and let it out. Now ask yourself what would help you reduce stress and feel good? What can you do to start adding more joy into your life? For me recently I realized that working to help women transform their relationship with themselves , and learn to accept and love themselves first, is what really fills me with joy at work! I also realized that feeling tired all of the time was due to my lack of exercise and what I was eating. Making small changes in my coaching business to focus on self-love and confidence coaching has brought back a lot of excitement to my business for me. And making changes to my diet and adding in workouts that I enjoy has started helping my energy levels and how i feel!

My feelings and how I want to feel helped guide me on what changes needed to be made. And if you take time to really tune into your feelings and how you want to feel your feelings will do the same. If you need a career change let your feeling and intuition guide, you on what steps you need to take in order to make the change. I never recommend just up and leaving a job unless you know you can afford it and have something else lined up. But you can start looking into what is needed, and what you truly want to do! Even little changes can make a big impact. So where do you need to make changes to start to feel better?

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