Following my Own Guidance !

Following my Own Guidance !

Apr 19, 2024

As I have been talking about intuition, and really diving into the importance of listening to our own inner knowing and guidance, I decided to take some time and really tune into what I was feeling. After all our feelings serve as a GPS of sorts when it comes to our intuition. As I sat and allowed myself to explore what I really wanted and what I was being guided to do, I realized that in my personal life I want to get healthier and work on my weight and fitness. This is important to me because 1. I do want to look and feel good in my clothing. And 2. I want to have the energy and ability to spend more time playing with my son. He loves playing outside and wants someone to play with him. It's important to me to be able to do that.

I also realized I really miss having time for crafts and reading! Those two things are my escape from work life. They relax me and are really forms of selfcare for me, so I am putting time in my calendar for both! I also love baking and really baking and cooking is my love language! I am taking time for baking classes! Yes I can bake and still stay on my wellness plan! Speaking of love language, I am making date night a priority with my husband, even if it's a movie at home after putting the kid to bed, we need time together.

That brings me to work! I absolutely love relationship coaching! But I realize that my calling is helping women transform the relationship they have with themselves, learning to love and accept themselves! When a woman sees her own beauty and worth she automatically attracts everything she wants to her! How do I know? Because that's what I have been doing, and it has been working fairly well for me. I just didn't want to admit what I really wanted. So moving forward I am fully stepping into being a Confidence and self-love coach. Because with these two things women can transform any area of her life! I will still be working with relationship coaching, but I am stepping into my calling!

So what have you been denying that you want to do, what are truly called to do but have been scared to admit to yourself and others?

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