Angel Oracle Card reading 5/14/24

Angel Oracle Card reading 5/14/24

May 14, 2024

For this weeks weekly card reading I decided to do a Oracle card reading with my Angle card deck.

Oracle card readings are great for guidance on specific questions that you might have. So think about a question that you want answers and guidance on. It can be on any subject. After you are clear on your question pick reading 1 ,2 or 3. which are you most draw to?

Reading 1. you have the cards reconsider, wait and communicate clearly. I strongly feel that if you picked this reading, you are in a place where you are trying to decide between two or more things. Either relationships, on staying or leaving, or a job. You are leaning toward leaving but feel like you might need or should stay. The wait card next to reconsider says there is reason to rethink things then having the communicate clearly card leads me to believe there is a lack of or a complete miscommunication influencing your decision. The cards are asking you to take time to think over your reason for wanting to make the choice to leave and talk with the other party and communicate your feelings clearly to see if the issues can be resolved.

Reading Two , has be assertive, yes, and Not the right time cards.

This reading shows me that you have made up your mind about what you want and are wanting to be sure you have made the right decision, and if so why things are not fully lining up for you in the way you had hoped. You have made the right choice and need to stick to your decision. And not allow others to make you change your mind. You will get everything you want, but it's just not the right time for all of it. You may need to get a few small things in order before the bigger goal or desire can be achieved

Reading 3

you have the compromise, No, and within the next few months cards.

You have something you deeply want, something you truly feel like you have to have. You want to know if it is coming to you and what you need to do to get it. The good news is it is coming to you, but not exactly as you want it. You may need to look at the goal or desire and see if something similar would be better for you, be prepared to compromise. Once you recognize what you need to change about what you want it will come to you soon after.

As always I hope your reading gave you the guidance you needed!

If you would like a personalized reading please email me at [email protected] with Oracle Card Reading in subject line.

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