ForeverDM Magic Item - The Moonstone Gla ...

ForeverDM Magic Item - The Moonstone Glaive

Apr 27, 2022

It is time for our first Custom Magic Item for 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons!

I've seen so many different magic items through all the time I've played D&D and a weapon type I think doesn't get nearly enough love in 5e is polearms. A skilled soldier with a Reach weapon can make all the difference in a fight. They're versatile at range and up close and with polearm master they can really pack an extra punch.

Unfortunately they rarely have unique and interesting pokey sticks to work with so here was my creation. The party that got it thought it was the "coolest thing ever" and I hope that you will like it as well.

It is my most sincere hope that you use this (meaning the magic item itself) in your own games to your heart's content or ask your DM to throw it in so you can swing away with this gleaming and glorious weapon. If you want to add it to paid content please contact me first so I can speak with the artists.

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