Book Review: The Decision by Kevin Hart ...

Book Review: The Decision by Kevin Hart πŸŽ§πŸ“š

Jun 10, 2020

I'll be honest, I only downloaded Audible so I could listen to this specific audiobook.

I can't really say I'm a fan of audiobooks, as I never listened to one before this, but being a massive Kevin Hart fan swung The Decision in my favour. Obviously I'd listen to podcasts here and there but this was a completely different type of experience.

As I said, I'm a massive fan of Kevin Hart, but not just the comedian/actor, I also admire the individual and his insane work ethic! The man is obsessed with success and its something which I truly take inspiration from.

The Decision as a book itself has everything; knowledge, insight, wisdom, entertainment and humour of course, as you'd expect from one of the best comedians in the world. Its not your ordinary self-help/self-care book, but more of a self motivation bible. Structured like a mental toughness bootcamp, The Decision offers real life advice on some simple decisions that we can all make to be better people. The best thing is, its fully narrated by Kevin Hart!

Kevin outlines simple things such as not focusing on someone else's life and progress in the early chapters of Jealousy, Perfectionism and Comparison. Kevin helps to explain how we should all focus on our own journey and not the journey of other's in a fun and entertaining way, highlighting that every individual's life is made specific for them and no-one else. No-one else was made to live your life!

The book focuses a lot on Positive Mindset offering simple and practical everyday tweaks that we can all make to be more grateful for what we have rather than be negative about what we don't. The Decision ultimately starts and ends with us (you and I), as it is our Decision's at the end of the day that help shape our world.

Chapter 4 really digs deep on eradicating negativity from your mindset and even set's you on a 30 day challenge to truly test your mental toughness. The Decision is a journey and an education all rolled into one with a very insightful, helpful and hilarious built in Q&A at the end.

Kevin creates an entertaining dialogue from start to finish colourfully describing his invaluable lessons and tips as Gems and Nuggets of the golden kind. You'll also be exposed to the terms such as Cowboying Up, Teddy Bearing and my personal favourite Put-Up-With-Ness which will help you remember what to do and what to focus on when you find yourself slipping or needing a mental boost.

It may not make you a millionaire and it may not change your life completely, but The Decision will definitely change your overall outlook on life, how you see others, and most importantly, how you see yourself.

Audiobooks are definitely a nice change from traditional reading where you can suffer mild RSI from either holding a book or device, or straining your neck to actually read what's on the book/device. With an audiobook you are completely free to continue educating yourself without the constraint of holding anything or having your eyes focused elsewhere, so its good for driving, walking, the gym, or it can even help as a form of meditation or sleeping aid.

With Audible your first book is completely free, no commitments! If your in need of a fresh mental boost or your looking for a new way to educate yourself while on the move, then download Audible and make The Decision your first choice!

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