I am a free range explorational artist. I am a gifted Poet and I write with my pen name “ DIAMOND”. However my talents are not limited only to poetry. I have discovered my own style in sketch art and I composed a few musical compositions as well. In collaboration with my creative partner and my Divine inspiration, Brian Mc Mahon, I have been creating musical poetic recitals, which are available on YouTube. Brian is a music composer with exceptional talent and I feel that he is a composer capable of revolutionizing the standards of Music. Brian and I wish to share our creations in Music and Poetry on this platform. And, through buymeacoffee we are aspiring to provide financial support for our creative projects. It would also be of great support for me in publishing my anthologies of poetry and devoting time and energy in defining my own individuality in the field of music. Thank you for taking the time to check our profile.
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All the very best 🙂