Digital Empress
205 sostenitori
This the Beginning of an End... but not ...

This the Beginning of an End... but not a Farewell

May 21, 2022

Hello Everyone,

I have given this decision a long and complex thought for a while, finally concluding that I will be no longer managing this Discord server or my BMAC service. 

I will be migrating back to utilizing my website to host most of my content and value for my audience. I believe this is the best decision for my brand and my overall audience regarding social media data ownership policies and my current beliefs surrounding it.

Additionally, I want to simplify your overall experience, cut back on prices, and have more time to pour into providing my attention to what I love to do. In addition, my website gives me the advantage of updating you guys on any new tips, tricks, and learning material to help you stay motivated and educated. I can achieve this by consolidating to one platform.

Don't worry; we will still be able to communicate with each other within the Digital Empire. The comment section on my blog posts is always open to sharing commentary, additional tips, resources, or something new you've learned from me. In addition, you will catch me now and then replying because I love it when you guys leave comments.

I thank you all for being such a fantastic audience, supporting me, supporting others, and being a great asset to the future of tech. I will be shutting down the Discord and BMAC service at midnight EST on May 22, 2022. Whatever study material is in the study center, it is free to save for yourselves. It will no longer be available after the Discord channel is no longer accessible. I will turn a lot but not all of the Notion resources into a blog post, tik-tok, or video if you need additional guidance.

If you have any questions or concerns about this transition, please email [email protected] or send them through my contact page

My website will also be under construction until the end of the month for the current transition. So prepare for a new look and feel!



The Digital Empress

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