Renato Redesign | Nutty Space Adventure

Renato Redesign | Nutty Space Adventure

Aug 25, 2023

"Don't focus on style but focus on the story you are trying to tell.",

I keep telling myself.

It's been two years, since I started the Nutty Space Adventure project. I've procrastinated a bunch, but it took time to improve my art skills.

The main character for my game is Renato Pecan, the Squirrel. I am now coming up with his last name by the way πŸ˜‰

So, what is style in simple terms?

Style is the choices you make when it comes to your character or representations of things.

Does your character have a round head, big eyes, big teeth, or are they scary, small, and feisty?

What world do they live in?

Do they live in the past, present, future?

Are they from a world where everything is cheese?

It's too many choices to make when you are first starting out.

So how do you decide?

The only option I had was to practice and sketch out a bunch of different versions of Renato.

I got a closer idea of what I wanted, but it wasn't completely what I wanted. It didn't feel right. He was too human or realistic.

Yes, I wanted him to be a space squirrel. But I also wanted him to be friendly and approachable.

I kept sketching and kept practicing until I finally stumbled upon the latest design.

I finally have the winning face for the game. Renato Pecan has come to life. I still have a lot of work to do, but I finally found the direction that I am taking with this game.

Life's a marathon, not a sprint - Philip C. McGraw

Take it from me, it's been two years now, and I am finally able to have a character that I can see coming to life.

Keep working at your goals and dreams. Each day is another opportunity closer to what you want. Hope this helps you all 😁

Till next time! P.S. more content to come in the future.

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