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What's That Smell?..........

What's That Smell?..........

Feb 19, 2022

Hi Chaps,

I hope that you are all OK and have weathered the recent storms if you live in the UK.

This weekend's video is on one of my favourite subjects, that of fragrance and how we choose to smell to those around us. I find it hard to understand why as many as 80% of men fail to take the opportunity to wear a pleasing cologne and emanate a wonderful fragrance as they meet the people in their lives, be they family, friends, or even strangers.

For me, applying a lovely scent is very much part of my daily regime. I carefully choose my fragrance to match the planned events for the day ahead. If I want to feel strong and empowered, I will pick a cologne that is pungent and masculine. But if I seek a more relaxed and calming outcome to my day, I pick a cologne that is subtle and non-pervasive in nature. Horses-for-courses as they say.

If you are wondering how many fragrances I have in my collection, well, even I don't actually know the answer to that question - I prefer to plead ignorance if asked (it keeps me from admitting my addiction to my wife). But it would be fair to say I have too many bottles hiding in my fragrance drawer in the bedroom. Some are 15-20 years old and smell as good as they did when first purchased, so the investment is a long-term decision.

So if you do one thing today, make sure you apply some cologne for the day ahead and see if it can boost your mood, or change your mindset. It will certainly be noticed by those around you.

And if you are wondering - after my shave this morning, I applied Chanel Platinum Egoiste as my fragrance of the day (I have a soft spot for Chanel scents for men - very classy).

Have a great week.


P.S. I was a guest in a recent podcast by my friend Andy from the Opinionated Brit YouTube Channel recently. I spoke quite candidly about my life journey and motivation behind my own YouTube channel. Have a listen if you want to understand more about the man behind The Chap's Guide:

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