#healingsounds cancellation announcement

#healingsounds cancellation announcement

Nov 13, 2024

hey y'all,

i’m writing this post to inform you all that @gaeapriestess left #thebroom discord server. this means that the #healingsounds container will no longer be taking place live, and there will not be anymore #healingsounds episodes uploaded to the podcast.

if you’re curious about this shift and why @gaeapriestess left the server i encourage you to read a description of her decision in her own words, here:


thank you to each of you for supporting #thebroom and thank you to those of you that attended #healingsounds live and who tuned in asynchronously. the #healingsounds episodes that have already been uploaded will remain on the podcast and i hope they serve you well. 

if you have any questions or if you would like to chat about this announcement please feel free to reach out to any @tender of #thebroom

take care,

@_mothersofthenight aka anna

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