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What do you think about another email vs ...

What do you think about another email vs another card?

Feb 20, 2024

Dear Happy Family Day Celebrators – Shy, Quiet, Loud, and Introverted Members & Friends,

I hope today has been a day of joy and connection for you and your loved ones. For nearly 15 years, I've found joy in using Send Out Cards to stay in touch and express myself creatively. It's become a therapeutic ritual for me, sending out 5 cards daily to connect and share.

I'm excited to introduce you to a new digital venture – THE BRIDGE Empowers news & updates:

It's a space for us to share news, updates, and inspiration. I invite you to join by adding your name and email. You'll receive a confirmation email to get you started.

Your support means the world to me. Our shared interests and connections are what make this community special. If you have a newsletter or a page, I'd love to explore it. I thrive on consuming and sharing information and stories.

Thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we create shared experiences and insights.

With Your Best Interests at Heart,


P.S. Remember, sharing is caring! If you know someone who would appreciate our community, feel free to share THE BRIDGE Empowers with them. Let's spread the joy and fun we have together.

I will tell you the story about this photo. I wrote in my I AM statements that "I am the woman with the envelope" and guess what I won something pretty amazing and here I am the woman with the envelope standing next to Kody Bateman. It was & still is a very important moment.

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