The Sterling Letter: New Calendar Year, ...

The Sterling Letter: New Calendar Year, New Changes, & Joyous Beginnings

Jan 08, 2023

Photo by Nick Thomsen

As the new calendar year has begun, I want to thank you for continuing to read, engage and enjoy my blog. The last two years alone reminded me of how online communities can bring together people from all over the world in real time. I have had the chance to meet people who were supporting me through donations, paying a membership token each month and even watching my YouTube channel. I am grateful and here’s to you for making it a beautiful new year!

The first week of January is where I tend to reflect on the past year at large. It leads me to questions like:

  • What did I like the most this year?

  • What did I dislike the most this year?

  • What aspects of life that I would like to change and others not so much?

If you are a follower of astrology, my sun sign is in Taurus, which is a sign that is typically not fond of change. Why? They are typically seen as extremely fond of their comfort, and it brings sense of security to them. From this Taurus, I have changed wildly in the last year alone. For a short preview, I have graduated college, moved to a new apartment all on my own in a new state, started three new roles, created new friend groups, tried new hobbies and much more.

What I Have Learned

I have learned this year that change can be a wild but great thing to develop over time. The aspect of time (remember my essay on Father Time, anyone) and I get along quite well. The new chapter of my life has bought in a deeper understanding of what changes can bring joy to your life. Of course, moments of this year were not all fine and dandy. Such moments like my international trip that went completely wrong or my post-graduation mini nightmare where they were trying to find my mailed diploma — those were short bursts of confusion and frustration in the long term of the year but heavy in the moment.

To remind all of you who are reading this, life is full of ups and downs. I am positive that you are aware of this state of life. I want to remind you when you are looking back at your year to remind yourself of the good and bad moments. I also want to remind you of the aspect of KINDNESS towards yourself and others. You may not know what others are going through at this state of time in their lives but, kindness provides this breath of relief.

I challenge you this year to think and believe in the act of kindness. It is more fun and happy to think of life this way. Kindness led me to reach out to many people in the last year alone to learn all about my new city. Kindness led me to check in with people via email, text messageS, written letters, and phone calls especially older people in my family and friends that I haven’t seen in a long time. Such kindness has returned things two fold in my life where people surrounded me in support of my new stage of life. Of course, I wasn’t giving attention to others for what they could give in return back to me but, it was a nice thought and gesture.

I would like to wish you a Happy New Year, my friend. I hope you have a new year that is insightful, full of kindness and joyous beginnings.

Originally posted on The Sterling here

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