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Build your Access: Understanding Your Op ...

Build your Access: Understanding Your Opportunities

Feb 22, 2021

Photo of Jasmine Tooks

Disclaimer: In this blog post, we are going to get real here. It may seem harsh, painful and upsetting. That means I am making you think. I want to you understand that I want better for you and this is what you are paying access for. You are ready for change and desire it now.

How can you have access to opportunities? It takes three things to change how you build your access. They may be closer than you think. Building your access to these things may take hard work and dedication. However, I want you to understand that it first starts from the internal benefit of driving change in your life.

And, I mean your life only. You are not in charge of how other people do things in their life (except for if you are a parent to a child under legal age). But, even then, you are in charge of your own design and future. People in your life did not consent to you trying to change them. Let that go, please, and stop trying to bring lazy people into your access circle.

Read the full essay as a part of the Sterling Study Membership on

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