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Someone bought 3 coffees.
Mates, here’s couple coffees for an excellent Season 11 plus one for Carla’s new BOLO production. I really enjoyed all your recaps and wrap ups. Keep up the fantastic productions!

Someone bought 10 coffees.
Apologies for the late coffees! I can’t tell you how much I enjoy your pod! It’s a must listen for anyone who enjoys BD and should be REQUIRED listening for all crew members! Let’s face it, part of production’s entertainment formula is to place inexperienced staff into mgt roles and we all watch as they make a mess of things. You ladies always “shine a light” (in my best Aussie accent) on the blunders and offer thoughtful, sound advice on how the situation should have been handled correctly. Your chemistry together is magnificent! Please keep up the amazing work! Cheers!

Someone bought a coffee.

Someone bought a coffee.