Thanks for visiting ... I've got 500,000 mouths to feed, a weekly column on the science, biology and practice of beekeeping to write, and a server that seems to need near-constant upgrading.
You cannot learn beekeeping from books or from the web. It's a practical subject and nothing beats the experience gained by inspecting hundreds of colonies a year - come rain or shine.
But, you can learn why the colony is doing what it's doing by reading about it, and you can also learn what you should be doing by reading my blog ( https://www.theapiarist.org/ ).
Which is where BuyMeACoffee comes in ... the caffeine will help the late night writing marathons to meet my self-imposed Friday afternoon deadline. And what's not spent on coffee (or pizza) will help offset the monthly fees for the webserver.
Thank you
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Someone bought a coffee.

David Butler bought 10 coffees.
I'm very much an accidental beeminder of 50 years. I mind Irish native bees and enjoy the woodworking part of the process more than the actual minding.
Meaning, I let them do their own thing. I collect the constant swarms and sell these on , hopefully expanding the native population.
Thank you so much for your most enjoyable and provocative articles.
Keep up the good work.

Carissa Moncavage bought a coffee.
I thoroughly enjoy your articles and especially your writing style. :)

Someone bought a coffee.
Great reading always.

Malc A bought a coffee.
Great attention to detail and especially like your comments on queen rearing.