Hey! Wanna support the Tiny House Conversations podcast?
You may not even realise this, but bringing you the show week after week includes many, many hours of research, interviewing, production, editing, creating video clips, show notes, graphics, communication, and much more, which I do as a labour of love. Not to mention podcast hosting and recording software fees, the website, and more.
To help make it sustainable for me to keep the podcast going long-term, and bring you more awesome guests, tiny tips, experiences, stories, behind-the-scenes, and more, you can support the show by “buying me a coffee”.
If you believe in reciprocity like I do and want to say thanks and pay it forward, I'd love you forever and thank you so much in advance if you choose to support the show in this way 🙏
I love creating the podcast and featuring your most requested topics and guests... so you can learn how to start, design, and transition into tiny life 🤩
So let's co-create and keep this show going together!
Recent supporters

DebB bought 5 coffees.
Lucy these conversations are so valuable and although Ive been following TH on Insta for 5yrs and attended one of Freds TH workshops Ive never found so many useful tips in one format before. Well done for inviting such interesting thoughtful people to have conversations with and for helping the TH community.
Hi Deb! Thank you so much for your support - how kind and generous of you! I'm really glad you've been getting so much out of the show and really appreciate you taking the time to listen as well as offer feedback and support. It means the world. Many thanks, Lucy

Someone bought a coffee.

Matt bought 5 coffees.
Love your work Lucy, keep it up!