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Okay, so it's been a few days.

Okay, so it's been a few days.

Mar 30, 2022

I would like to say that it is due to one reason or another, but the simple truth is I haven't felt like writing. I haven't felt like posting on most of my social media, and I haven't felt like posting videos on YT. I do have to say, overall, I feel fine. Things are going relatively well and my work life is pretty good, all things considered. I have just been in sort of a malaise for the past several weeks, and haven't felt like doing much. To be a little more specific, I'm not really in any pain, discomfort, or any of the things that might bring on a feeling of feeling down, and it's not quite that feeling, it's just a severe lack of motivation and I don't know why.

I've been among friends and family, gotten out to do things as the weather turns nicer, and I have not been in a bad mood, just more of a 'eh, who cares' type of mood. There has been nothing obvious that has made me turn this way, I have just found myself sitting here and realizing that it's not okay. I tell you all of that, to tell you this. It's not normally how I am, and I'm doing some things to break out of the general discontentment I seem to find myself in. The first step to solving a problem is admitting there is one.

Folks, mental health is a serious thing. Never think that you can't reach out to someone, even if you think it's not a big thing, or that 'you aren't the type of person that needs help'. In my case, I am not feeling a sense of loneliness, or depression, or things that you may think are more serious, I have just seemed more apathetic, and it's not who I normally am. I don't know if it warrants seeking professional help at this point, but I have to let pride take a back seat if it does and I figure the first step is talking about it. Normally, I just write in a journal and let go of any issues or problems privately, but this seems to be a bigger deal than just feeling off for a day or two, so, thank you to anyone that reads this. Thank you for just being someone willing to read and if you get anything out of this, then I hope in some small way I have let you know that someone else goes through similar things and maybe it helps you feel better, too.

Take care of yourselves. The past couple of years have been difficult for many people, but we're coming out of it and there is hope for us all.

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