This is the prologue I mentioned in my story of Moses. It’s also the first of many, many stories about my blue heeler who I came to call Bluebug. I’ve always had an odd “gift” of being able to quickly and easily identify many things in many categories. Aircraft, cars, firearms, dogs. Mind like a steel trap I tell ya. If I can identify it, chances are I’m pretty well versed on at least a ...
What do you know about… Oh crap, this pup is gonna be a spicy one.
May 05, 2024
Warning: This is going to be a multiple part story. Maybe two, maybe three parts. Could be four the more I think about it. Indulge me. It’s a tad bit involved… Understatement when I think about more as well. It’s all worth it. I promise. Now on with show. In the world of gig jobs, in this case goods delivery from vendors to customers, it is quite random how deliveries are assigned to d...
John Moses Browndog: The most Random Dog in the World
May 05, 2024
The old saw of “Do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” is pure hogwash. Well at least it is for me. I love to do many things and when they became my paying job all of them really lost their luster in time. That said, I do have one passion that has endured the test of time. DOGS!!!!!!!!!! I have loved these most noble of all creatures my entire life. I have bee...
In the beginning…
May 05, 2024