A shriek cuts through the misty night, and 3 cloaks draw tighter into the shadowy tree line. The faint twinkle of light in the distance betrays the murk-black mountains and the group’s target: The Gates of Dawn. “Mills,” whispered the human “would you care to explain exactly why we’re risking our necks for this old dwarven machine? I mean, it can’t possibly be worth much...” ?...
SWAT 3: Wight on wight violence part 1
Jul 12, 2021
378 Aufrufe
“Rats..” thought the ogre as he chewed. “I like rats better than these-“ he paused and shook the jar in his hand roughly “these faerys.” “Sprytes.” corrected the ogre to his left. “Whatever they is, I like rats better. Sweeter insides. Furrier. Less moving bits.” He stopped munching and pried a wing from his fangs with a ragged fingernail. “ ‘ow long we gotta sit out here??...
S.W.A.T. Chapter 2: Sniper at the Gates of Dawn
Jul 09, 2021
350 Aufrufe
Part One: Shadows in the Blackgloom “There’s a name you might hear, If ye were unlucky enough to be near the Blackgloom Woods on a long winter night and the type of person that eavesdrops on the conversations of wyrd strangers in the woods at night. Wuzzat now? You ARE an eavesdropper of wyrd conversation? What’s wrong with you, didn’t no one ever tell you mind your beeswax? The Bees did? ...
S.W.A.T. - Special Weapons and Thaumaturgy
Jul 04, 2021
424 Aufrufe