Chi siamo TerrieWeather

Sostenitori recenti
Hello! As Terrie Weather I have a project called December to Remember. My followers from Facebook, Instagram @TerrieWeatherLanzarote and Twitter @TerrieWeather will be donating money and I will be using these funds to give vouchers to struggling local families which can then be redeemed at local small businesses like bars restaurants and clothes shops so these lovely families get an end of year tr...
December to Remember
Sep 22, 2020
295 visualizzazioni
I know that December has been a difficult month for many of with more restrictions and rules to follow as the pandemic continues to cause disruption. I hope each and every one of you has had a lovely festive season and as we approach the start of 2021 I truly hope it is a wonderful year for all of us. I am so proud to announce that thanks to the generosity of yours and many others we were able to ...
Week 15 and the end of the December to Remember project 2020
Dec 31, 2020
292 visualizzazioni
Happy Friday everybody! What a busy week I have had, out and about all over the island picking up gifts, clothes and other donations that have so kindly been made in support of December to Remember. I have also been running an advent on my facebook page featuring the businesses who are supporting the project. It really is heartwarming to see peoples kindness and I am so pleased to have met some wo...
Week Twelve
Dec 11, 2020
213 visualizzazioni