
Pay for my English Class

Mar 22, 2025
46 Aufrufe

Podcast: The Universe Rewards Those Who Don't Impose Their Own Limits! Happy 2024!

Jan 15, 2024
278 Aufrufe

The Universe Rewards Those Who Don't Impose Their Own Limits! Happy 2024!

Jan 15, 2024
363 Aufrufe

The Identity Shift that Sparks the Creation of a Different Life

Sep 28, 2023
229 Aufrufe
The Diary of a Digital Nomad's Life Entry #2 It happens in the mind first The Power of You - Embodying the "who" that you want to be: "Am I destined to a '9 to 5' for the next few decades of my life or do I want to experience a different reality?" This is a question that many digital nomads have asked themselves before embodying an identity that allows them to create the lifestyle they desire and ...

The Identity Shift that Sparks the Creation of a Different Life

Sep 28, 2023
193 Aufrufe

Podcast: Digital Nomad Life ~ What do you do for a living? Mental Monetization!

Sep 27, 2023
190 Aufrufe
The Diary of a Digital Nomad's Life Entry #1 "What do you do for a living?" is typically a question asked when someone wants to know a bit about who you are. We find ourselves considering this question or asking this question when we meet new people, when we want to know who someone is, and when we prepare ourselves to speak about the topic of resumes and job interviews. It's very common that when...

What do you do for a living? I engage in mental monetization.

Sep 27, 2023
273 Aufrufe
Where are the decent-paying online English teaching positions? Online English Teachers Feeling Discouraged In online teacher groups, I've been noticing many teachers and prospective teachers who are worried about the current pay rates being offered to online English teachers. In a conversation, I was told by a fellow teacher in an online company, that the average pay for online teachers is current...

A $25 USD/hr Job Post for Online English Teachers

Sep 26, 2023
292 Aufrufe
Having a Rough Time with Speaking? Use These Tips As you already know, improving your speaking skills requires consistent effort and practice. Without actually speaking, cannot improve your speaking. In addition, you'll need to set goals and have regular exposure to English. Here are some effective strategies to help you enhance your speaking abilities: English Immersion: Immerse yourself in Engli...

Tips to Improve Speaking in English

Jun 19, 2023
160 Aufrufe