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Carolyn Powers bought 5 coffees.
I just discovered your site today, and I can tell I'll spend hours exploring it. I'm 60 years old, have always been a voracious reader, worked in libraries throughout high school and college, and am a retired elementary school teacher.
Thank you so much! I'm glad that you've been enjoying my blog. I have eclectic tastes, so the books on my blog vary widely in subject. Because my first degree was in history, I often like to tie in books with historical events and have past posts grouped by decade, with some historical information for context.

Simon bought 3 coffees.
Thanks for putting so much time and love in your Forgotten Books site. I found your site last fall when searching for a half-remembered story from elementary school. Apparently we read some of the same books growing up - let me know if you ever want some Canadian recommendations!
Thank you so much! I do take recommendations, although when I do them depends on when I can find a copy of the book and fit it into my schedule. I like to go with the seasons, so I'm going to have some spooky/Halloween books soon. I have no limitations on the nationality of the books I review. When I was a kid, I used to get a lot of my books at huge charity book sale they held every year. I didn't figure out until later that some of the books I read as a kid came from other countries and that some had even been translated into English from another language. I live in a college town near the state capital. They still hold that book sale every year, and it's humongous. They always get an amazing assortment. These days, I also request books through interlibrary loans when I have trouble finding them locally.

I can't think of any spooky/Halloween books off hand; but I do associate back-to-school season with the Maggie & Cyril stories by Ted Staunton. Maggie is a self-styled genius who solves problems for her neighbour (the main character), usually getting them both in more trouble in the process. Good luck at the sale!

Erik Houdini bought a coffee.
Historical Games is a great site! Thanks for spending the time to share so much information with us all!

Paul bought a coffee.