UPDATE: RPEmotes Version 1.4.6

UPDATE: RPEmotes Version 1.4.6

Apr 29, 2024

Hello everyone,

I want to express my gratitude for stopping by my store and showing your support.

Exciting news! RPEmotes has just been updated to version 1.4.6!

This update takes care of a few things:

  • Disable all emotes / menu access while skydiving or freefalling

  • Removed duplicate entries

  • Fixed non prop emotes not reapplying when bumped into by a player / NPC (crossarms, etc)

  • Prevented the menu from being accessed if the player is ragdolled

  • Added new ragdoll related natives

  • Added a config option to allow or disallow ragdolling while performing animations

  • Force removed prop when player ragdolls

Added help message in chat to inform you 'You can't ragdoll while performing an animation!'.

You can translate this under ['ragdollwhileemote'].

Please note that all versions have different passwords and that version 1.4.5's password (or earlier) will NOT work with this version.

Thank you again for your support!

One love,

RPEmotes Project Manager

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