Subodh - Toph

Subodh - Toph

Mar 26, 2023

Problem link :

Here, We can start coloring from any side of the wall. Lets start color from 1st wall. Now, it is greedily best option to color all the wall with color[1]. Now, I have to color wall from 2 to Nth. Here, there could be walls i in (2 to N) for which color[i] = color[1]. So, I have to choose a position i for which color[i] = color[1] , then this problem will be divided into two subproblem ( 2 to i - 1 and i to N) and number of moves is also minimum after that. Now, this approach is optimal because we don't have to recolor ith wall.

Now, I have to solve this 2 new subproblem same way as above. So, I can implement it using DP. DP[ left ] [ right ] represents minimum number of moves needed to color the range from left to right.

for(i = position of color same as left) {
    int val = (1 + dp[left + 1][i - 1]) + dp[i][right]; // add 1 because color full segment with color[left + 1]
    ans = min(ans, val);

Code :

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