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5 tips for completing a 30 day challenge

5 tips for completing a 30 day challenge

Jun 22, 2022

I like a challenge. I don't like following instructions. When it comes to 30 day challenges I am attracted to the "challenge" part and turned off by the "being told what to do" part. I'm especially turned off if a challenge centers around what I can and can't eat. How dare anyone tell me what to put into my body?

See? I get upset.

A 31 Day Self-care challenge caught my eye on Instagram because the calendar was colorful. I enjoy colorful graphics. I've also been looking for ways to heal the emotional and physical ravages of the past two years.

So, I gave it a try.

Here's what I learned while completing the challenge:

1) You don't have to do things in order: I cherry picked what felt right for each day. Instead of feeling forced to do what was next I did what felt good.

2) You don't have to do the challenge within the designated time frame: I alleviated the pressure by not worrying if I skipped a day. I returned to the prompts when I was open and available to completing them in earnest.

3) Keeping the challenge on your refrigerator is a good reminder: I am visual gal. The visual reminder helped me keep the challenge front of mind.

4) Crossing off the box after you complete the challenge is wildly satisfying: I'd get excited when I could pull out a pen and cross out the box. It was like rolling around in bubble wrap (but not as loud).

5) You'll anticipate what's next and do it on your own: I started completing tasks earlier than they appeared on the calendar. I was more open to hearing what my body needed. Answering my needs became more habitual.

The 31 Day self care challenge gave me a much needed kickstart. Practicing acts of self care has become more instinctive and less daunting. I may even try another one.

Have you tried any good challenges lately? I mean, other than getting through every day the best you can.

By the way the 31 Day challenge took me just shy of two months. Success!

Thanks for reading. You can support Tania's Take by "buying me a coffee" or sharing this post.

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