A Few Questions

A Few Questions

Jul 21, 2021

I'm not a Good Trans Person. At all. I've had my fill of narcissists, which sets me against the more "uwu" contingent of that community (bloody ACT ON SOME F-ING PROBLEMS, rather than posting endless f-ing selfies of your "cute new outfit", your shite tattoos, pseudo-erotic poses to promote your "lewd Twitter" or OnlyFans... it's not like there's no work needs doing by and for trans people, after all...), I've never agreed with idle navel-gazing and snide backbiting, while I thoroughly agree people should have jobs that they connect with, which pay them appropriately, and which consider, support, and enable them in the ways they want, I can't get behind the current refrain of "I want COMMUNISM! People shouldn't HAVE TO WORK! It's so HAAAARRRRDDDDD!!!" (It'd be a lot harder under Communism, I promise you...), I have unpopular opinions, and I ask too many questions.

Questions like:

. Given that most Communist countries do not allow people to transition, why do so many of you want to BE Communist?

. If you are women (and men...but much, much more often it's white trans femme accounts claiming this) "because I IDENTIFY as a woman, and that's all I need to do to BE one!" - why do you have SUCH a problem with 'transracial' people like Rachel Dolezal? Who, in fact, was being somewhat LESS appropriative than many white trans femme accounts - a LOT of white trans women (or those claiming to be trans women) are after 'influencer' contracts, they want to be paid to be 'talking heads', they're using "I'm a poor cute trans girl, uwu" to get subscribers and donations.

Rachel Dolezal, from what I can see, was just...living? She wasn't trying to "get" anything by "claiming to be Black" (and it's telling no one had an issue with that 'claim' until WHITE people claimed it was false...), so, if you can "be dick girls", and "should be seen as women because we say we are" - why couldn't Rachel Dolezal be seen as what she said she was?

. Would you still be trans if social media suddenly stopped?

This one bugs me a LOT, because I see a lot of fame-seeking, way too many selfies, a lot of hashtag forests...and people only turning up at things that will be videoed and posted online. A lot of people running their mouths on Twitter, but not countering bigotry offline. A trebuchet of tweets every time a transphobe outrages transgender sensibilities, but not a lot of commitment to providing real world support, events, resources.

. Why are you all so shit to trans men and masc-spec people?

I don't really expect answers - though shout out to @WolfOfLoathing on Twitter, if you have any - but I'm interested in possible answers.

My questions are genuine, even if I'm not sure all people who claim to be trans necessarily are. (Yeah...that's the first thing that gets me kicked out of the community, if the fact that I believe you DO need dysphoria to be trans, and that gender is an innate sense, haven't already seen me run out by a baying mob...)

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