About Saúl Zalimben
a Software Engineer from Paraguay!
Recent supporters
Software architecture plays a pivotal role in the success of any software system, serving as the blueprint that defines its structure, components, and interactions. It provides a roadmap for architects and developers, guiding them in making informed decisions that impact the system's scalability, maintainability, and performance. Check the ebook: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/szalimben/e/216452
An Introduction to Software Architecture [ebook]
Feb 06, 2024
My last article is out! In this rapidly evolving digital landscape, where innovation and efficiency reign supreme, the role of software architecture has become more critical than ever. Fundamentally, software architecture acts as a blueprint for the organization, operation, and communication of software parts. This ensures the robustness, scalability, and upgradability of the system. Check out the...
Software Architecture
Aug 09, 2023
Comparto la 2da Edición de Una pequeña guía de Scrum, ebook que estuve desarrollando en los últimos meses, lo pueden descargar desde aquí: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347993246 Una pequena guia de Scrum 2da_Edicion o bien pueden realizar una compra desde esta plataforma en condición de donación: https://leanpub.com/una-pequena-guia-de-scrum Si lo descargan, espero que disfruten...
Una pequeña guía de Scrum
Jun 14, 2022