59 sostenitori
A small update

A small update

May 15, 2022

Good day again my fellow supporters, members and those might consider joining the group.

This post is made public as the post before was made public.

I would like to keep you informed of what happened the past month since I've written the other post regarding the circumstances we face.

This post:

Foremost, we've found an apartment in Germany! Now we're facing quite some bureaucracy, a quick summary of what we have to do will be listed:

  • European/German Ident (ger.: Personalausweis)

  • Residency permit

  • Past tax information for creditworthiness

  • ... and some more for which I don't know a translation

Besides the focus on her grandparents, we still visit the borders from time to time. We've also thought about other options to support refugees, mostly in a way to help them integrate and or providing shelter, this is still quite vague, and we need to check if we as Americans can even do that.

The kids are with us most of the time, just recently I've bought a second laptop to also entertain my daughter a bit. I think they are mostly playing or watching TV while we're out.

Anyways, thank you for all of your support, I'll be in touch again next month with a new update!

Once again, a huge thank you from family "Sypher"!

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