February 2024

Mar 02, 2024

It has been a rather cold and wet time in the UK this past month. While that doesn’t really narrow it down, the 29-day stint squarely marks this as a leap February. The day job took up more time than usual towards the start of the month, but I clawed things back towards the end, which was a good job as I had some extra volunteering commitments to plan and fit in alongside everything else. With a bit of time here and there I’ve been busy beavering away on a new mini-project that came to fruition that I’ll cover below.


There has been just the one post this past month, sneaking in on that leap day. It is actually a post that came about because of my mini-project. It relates to my launcher app of choice, Alfred, and a frustration I had encountered a few times. Alfred’s workflows allow branching and logic, but I had never discovered any option to allow use and return (functions and subroutines) for workflows. You can get reuse of scripts by loading them from file rather than embedding them in action blocks, and while I do this a lot, sometimes you want to tap into the workflow-side of things a little more.

In my Pseudo Functions in Alfred Workflows post I set out an example of how I have accomplished this in a round about way by defining return points and passing the name of the return point to a flow. It works well, and while you may be able to get away with scripts in the main, this will hopefully help workflow developers cover things off for the cases were utilising a separate Alfred workflow flow would provide a better option.


As usual, I’ve been trying to help people out on a couple of online forums I frequent regularly and as usual, there are some interesting queries, interactions and solutions.


  • Gregg has released a new scanning app, but tor try and help with the workflow some people were taking with the new app, I tried to explain how the approach was quite different and if they were wanting to scan into Drafts, they would be better off using Drafts' own scanning functionality.

  • Lastly there was a peculiar response to one of my replies on a ‘hyperlinks on as default’ post. I can’t figure out the intention. Can you?


  • Someone resurrected an old Shortcuts thread on how to add a new line in a regex expression with Text Replace with some details that when I pressed seem to me to be unfounded and spurious, and the overall suggestion of a workaround to me was simply a restatement of my original solution. I simply disengaged in the discussion when in their last response to me they showed they had not actually looked properly at how my (very short) shortcut was actually working.

  • The saga of the WhatsApp message via automation error continued, and sounds like the user probably just had bad contacts data so What’s App was struggling to find the right contact data. But it is still a mystery as even the explanation starts talking about “locations”?!


The available time I have had this past month has been consumed by the development and testing of a new Alfred workflow and creating a new site documenting its features. You can view this site at cluster.thoughtasylum.com and download the workflow right from the home page.

What does it do? Well, if you read last month’s summary, you may recall I was adopting the use of Bunch, a utility app that allows you to launch sets of applications, run commands, etc. to enable you to efficiently switch work contexts, setting your Mac up how you want it. The new workflow, Cluster, allows the user to interact with Bunch from Alfred.

The workflow helps you not only open and close bunches, but also includes functionality to help with editing bunches, creating/cloning new bunches, controlling the bunch app itself, and even adds bunch archiving as a feature. The workflow is highly configurable, and of course, like other workflows I’ve created, is designed such that you can easily integrate functionality into your own Alfred workflows via a large number of external triggers embedded within the workflow.

If you happen to be an Alfred user and are interested in using it with Bunch, do check it out. While it is scratching my own itch, I suspect this will be something that fits well for many others too. I also expect to be expanding it over time.


Now I’ve scratched my Bunch-related itch with Cluster it is time to get back to my bigger ongoing project from last year; well technically it probably started in 2022, but regardless I’m going to get it out to folks this year and I’m definitely looking at Q2. Anything else will be a bonus, but I’ve had enough of a diversion now to come back to this one refreshed and with a clear intention to get it ready for all - including me.

All that remains is for me to once again thank everyone who has donated a coffee. I truly appreciate it ☕

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