We are a publisher of works about the ancient Religion of the Sun, possibly the world’s oldest wisdom tradition. Our organization and authors operate on a nonprofit basis, in keeping with the time-honored principle that providing spiritual information to others is not a commercial endeavor.
Donating to our organization to help cover monthly operating expenses is one of the best ways to offer support to the work we do.
It costs $1,500 USD on average per month as a baseline to run our nonprofit organization and to provide our books, videos and websites. We manage to do a lot on what is actually a very small budget in the publishing world, due to the hard work and volunteered time from a handful of skilled people. Any extra funding we receive above our monthly baseline costs enables us to grow and do more.
You can learn more at our website: https://suraondrunar.org/donations
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There are two ways to donate to us via Buy Me a Coffee.
1. You can make a single donation in increments of $5 USD or as they call it number of coffees (each coffee equals $5 USD), this can be done in the Support section.
2. You can become a monthly supporter where you can choose an amount you would like to donate on a monthly basis, this can be done in the Membership section.
Important! If you don't want your name to show up on this page with the amount you donated please leave the name field blank. If you’d like, you can write a note in the message field letting us know who the donation is from or anything else you may wish to write, at which point you can choose to keep the message private.
Please note that donations to Sura Ondrunar Publishing are not tax deductible.
Recent supporters
Anders Ödmark bought 5 coffees.
Edi bought 30 coffees.
Anders Ödmark bought 5 coffees.
Someone bought 50 coffees.
Anders Ödmark bought 5 coffees.