My Bumpy Journey

My Bumpy Journey

Jul 21, 2023



I haven't written an article in a while.

I haven't produced recent videos I wanted. I am working on my platforms at the moment.

I currently feel like Madam Octopus juggling many anxieties. I have night visions about the good, bad, and ugly. Some people have shown me kindness and consideration, while others have been indifferent and harsh. Since certain matters are personal, I don't want to bore you with the specifics.

I would like to thank my supporters for going on this journey with me and posting good content.

Ok, since this is about spirituality, holistics and earth issues, I will try and tie all together and keep it brief.

I am not using a ghost writer for this article or getting help from A.I.

I apologise in advance if I am blunt about my views.

The Earth Magnetic Field, climate change and the chakras

The Earth magnetic field will change which will be felt by living species on Earth in years to come. The Earth is slowly changing its tilt towards the sun. This will play a part in climate change in years to come.

As for the chakras, the change in the magnetic field will have an effect on each chakra but good meditation MAY help and give insight.

Insects becoming more resistant to repellents?

Insects will become immune to some repellents which will cause human health and crop issues. Even some essential oils will not work to repel most Insects in the world like Citronella, Lemon, Cedarwood and so on. Some of the industrial products will fail as some Insects becomes more resistant to repellents.

The UK

The UK economy was predicted to crash in January 2023 by other psychics but I did say it was not going to be financially easy in 2023 but I did not see an economical collapse but it cannot be ruled out for later on if protest groups keep on halting the economy, if people keep going on in and out of work; people who are unwell forced to work until they mentally and financially collapse and now the NHS have another patient; grown up kids going off the rails because one parent or parents have to juggle many jobs to pay the bills and keep a roof over their heads (no work and life balance); people going into jobs they hate and having to do long-term and deep down they want support with a new career in another job sector or self-employment via independent career hubs or the DWP. Reduce the brain drain of British talents immigrating to seek more opportunities and broaden their horizons because there is little to lack of support from institutions and the Police.

The UK have outsourced too many services abroad to save money when secondary school students should learn many skills (academic and non-academic and a fair entrepreneurial outlook in some aspects without the image of the 'fat cat'scaring them. In most religions, they teach about fair business practices and the benefits of socialism as well.

As for the Barge for the Asylum seekers in Portsmouth, I think most people in Britain are whingers. These Brexiteers do not want the Asylum seekers taking their housing stock, using Hotels as Refuge place and taking up jobs and studies! Even the floating homes are a problem!!! God, give me strength!!!

I am British Born and my parents worked long hours to keep the NHS going. When I was at University, a white English bigot ex-neighbour shouted in my direction, I should return my Degree back; I should be someone's concubine and nuted! She paid someone to hack and install trogans into my devices and damaged my hard-drive on my Lap Top via the root kernel. At worse, she said I should be thrown in landfill! The Metropolitan Police dropped the case! Institutional racism and this will not go away. I do suffer from PTSD but life goes on. JUST PRAY FOR ME!!!

As a disclaimer, not all white British citizens are insecure bigots, racist, saboteurs and exploitative hacker mentioned above.

Does the King need a over 40% pay rise by the tax payer? This is debatable.

The Rise of the Far-Right in Europe

This is already happening. Even some Brits have this way of thinking but unfortunately, this is going to be rife in some countries in mainland Europe. The weather is not looking good in Europe and the UK are not off the hook. Floods are going to be a common phenomenon in years to come.

The Hovercraft, was mentioned in my last video and I think there will be frequent use of the 'water taxi' overtime. The floods are going to be more severe in southern Europe than Northern Europe.

The Netherlands are forward thinking and I like their innovations. They have floating homes already so they are prepared. The Dutch can forebear some climatic changes like flooding.

Some Europeans, see the migrants from the southern hemisphere as a threat to their racial and cultural survival. It is not migrants fault, if they think the European empire is going to collapse.

On the other side of the far right views, there are Europeans who do not like European Elitist and blames them for social injustice and unfair distribution of wealth and opportunities.

Europe is divided because the far right want a 'all pure white' and 'white Christian' led state while the 'anti-elitist', wants social justice, fair distribution of wealth and equal opportunities. The conflict may cause bloodshed in some countries.

As for me, I take each day as it comes because there is a thin line between life and death if I step into a conflict zone or a person or group of people want to do nefarious things to me.

It will take some people by surprise when the conflict starts; it will be out of the blue. But then again, I do not advise people to live in fear and nor should you! Be vigilant when navigating.

Please remember, not everything is always set in stone and we can make positive shifts for the greater good via collective work or adapting a better mindset if you do not like working in a team (maybe because of mitigating circumstances unknown to strangers). No-one is perfect but we can make an effort to do our best.

Please let me know, if you liked this article. Your feedback would be appreciated.

Please follow me on social media and reach out to me if you have questions😊

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Bye for now🙏🏽

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