Hi there!
Thanks for choosing to support me in my endeavor to support Open Source software.
This page has been created to enable folks to support my open-source efforts! You can choose to take membership or do one-time support.
Thanks a lot for the gesture. You can also contact me on my community chat channel https://gitter.im/virresh/community or comment / create an issue on the respective project.
In case you want to contribute towards a specific initiative, please look at the Wishlist and donate towards a cause of your choice.
Thanks for all the love you folks have shown!
Please enjoy the projects, and do keep reporting issues that bother you.
MATVT - https://github.com/virresh/matvt
StockD - https://github.com/virresh/StockD/
Comment Input - https://github.com/virresh/comment_input
(and many more from, you know where to find them ;) )
Recent supporters