Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to visit this Buy Me a Coffee page. If you are here, it could only mean one thing - you're a fan of Supernatural Confessions (SC). I've had many thoughts in my head over the past many years and some of them were really mind-blowing if I could say so myself, but I never really told anyone, so they remained mostly in my head. If I had documented them, I ...
Well.... A good a blog as any...
Mar 08, 2023
285 Vues
We have taken it a notch up! Supernatural Confessions have grown a long way since the days it was just a private facebook group for people with supernatural encounters to share with other survivors. Creating content, maintaining the channels, and producing shows take considerable effort. We want to continue doing what we love. This Buy Me a Coffee page will help us, help you get more of what you l...
Supernatural Confessions in 2023
Feb 03, 2023
217 Vues