Join Miss Sunshine and her colorful cast of animated friends on an exciting journey through the magical world of SunBeam Buddies™! As they embark on captivating adventures each episode, children ages 2-6 will delight in discovering fundamental learning concepts taught by industry experts. Our full length episodes are available on YouTube and Rumble.
We believe children should have wholesome educational experiences that can be shared with families. SunBeam Buddies was created with this aim in mind. We also believe in creating content that is not over-stimulatory for young children and encourages them to step away from their devices.
This show is self-funded and everyone on our team is currently unpaid. As a new show, we are working on ways to monetize but are looking for additional ways to sustain the show creation. If you believe in our vision and are looking to support the growth of wholesome children’s content, please help keep SunBeam Buddies alive by “buying our team a coffee.” Any amount is extremely helpful and gets us one step closer to creating the next generation of Mister Rogers-esque content for your children.
Thank you for your support and have a beautiful day! ☀️
Sostenitori recenti
Someone ha offerto 20 super star .
I believe in all that you do big homie. Keep reaching the Youth. They need it in this generation now more then ever.