
Feb 14, 2022

This month I've been reading Resistance: A Songwriter's Story of Hope, Change and Courage by Tori Amos. I am a long time fan of Tori Amos's music since my teenage years, but I also regularly make a habit of reading the memoirs of creative leaders who inspire me, especially if they are mothers.

Resistance provides a poetic insight into the role of art, music and creative work in inspiring change and holding space for big communities experiences of loss, grief or rage. The book also provides a valuable insight into the creative journey, and one that I found very relevant as I navigate my unique path of leadership through activism and writing.

Tori's memoir also reflects on the relationship of her motherhood journey to the creative process, as well as the vital role that her own mother played in formative education in literature and poetry that inspired her journey as a songwriter.

This memoir is well worth a read, if you are a fan of her music, or simply if you are looking to draw inspiration from the creative journey of mothers who forged a unique path in the world for themselves.

I'll leave this post with an image of the first page of the book. I found the image of defiance particularly relevant to the energy we need as women and mothers, especially coming out of the collective burn out that has been mothering in the global pandemic. We need to cultivate this energy of rage and defiance if we are to fight our way out of this mess.

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