Recent supporters

Erin at Ever Learning bought 3 coffees.
Hello Sue! I'm enjoying our Christian Unschooling chats together. Thank you for your continued friendship and inspiration.

Madison W bought 3 coffees.
The Unschool Fangirl Returns
I decided to explore unschooling for our family only last year. You were the first blog and podcast I found. Your podcasts have been a comfort on the days when I worry that I'm not doing the right thing, so thank you! I haven't made it through all of your content yet and this week I skipped forward to your newest podcast because I saw Sandra Dodd's name. Hers is the first book I have read on unschooling and I wanted to hear what you said, which lead me to Da Ladies podcast as well as the Virtual Kitchen Table. Instagram isn't for me so I sometimes feel isolated from other unschooling parents. You've been able to lead me down a rabbit hole of new names, blogs, podcasts and excitement, so thank you for that as well!

Sandra Dodd bought 3 coffees.
I'm really glad to have met you. I like that your site offers people the option to comment, and that you respond to people! Interactivity in a calm and dedicated space is a luxury.

Nicole bought 3 coffees.
I've been listening to your podcast and/or reading your blog off and on for several years. We're not an unschooling family, but do homeschool, and the two oldest (of three) are in their first journey to public school here in the United States for high school this year. It's always a journey trying to discern the best route for the individuals and the family as a whole. Thank you for your encouraging words and stories over the years.
~ Nicole