Nov 18, 2024

I wrote about "Gaps in the Laws", when women report domestic abuse or gender-based violence as it is known in Spain, in my first self-published book under the pen name Loren Keeling. May 2022.

On publication, the former partner filed seven criminal allegations against me. For two years, I have been involved in false criminal litigations, which an EU case report recognised as SLAPP. I have been left with no compensation for these false accusations, which have caused me substantial emotional trauma on top of the post-separation abuse I experienced in 2020.

From my research, I know that the UK Law Commission has had concerns about gaps in legal remedies for women living in non-married relationships since 2007. Even while writing my book, another attempt was made to change or improve the situation that has been described as "far from equitable."

I have now discovered that the General Council of the Legal Profession and the Ministry of Equality in Spain also understand that improvements are needed.

"In a meeting held this morning at the headquarters of the Ministry of Equality, Ana Redondo agreed with Salvador González on the importance of lawyers who assist victims of violence being present in the process from the beginning."

November 12, 2024
Read more here

In 2020, the first advice I received was to file a GV complaint based on emails, my understanding of the situation and a recording of how the former partner had turned hostile towards me when he had terminated the relationship. 

I was left traumatised, in grief, fear and uncertainty by the situation. I didn't want to file that complaint. The former partner went from offering 50% of the home's value to "I'm in control, I can throw you onto the streets" within 6 days. 

I discovered that our own legal representative had given him advice in 2020 that he could just "put my bags on the doorstep." The former partner told the Judge in the criminal case he took against me that "he wished he had done that now." 2024.

What sort of Solicitor would give that advice? 
What Type Of Man would think that was okay after he had told me he wanted to end things amicably and then turned hostile? 

Failure number 1. 
I asked that solicitor if he could write to our solicitor. He just repeated his advice, saying, "Did you not hear what he said? You can not negotiate with him." Yes, he was right. I could not negotiate with him, but he could have negotiated through our solicitor. 

My Mistake
I thought I could request negotiations through the solicitor, who had advised him to put my bags on the doorstep. This was a huge mistake.

Failure number 2. 
I requested help through the 016 national helpline. I was informed that I should have a solicitor at the police station when making the complaint. I asked the Guardia for a solicitor, but I was informed that I did not need one. There was only a translator. 

Failure number 3. 
The free legal representative turned up 30 minutes before the court with only the Guardia report that had listed my complaint as one minor verbal abuse. (Instead of Emotional and Psychological abuse, which is never one incident but is a pattern of behaviour over the years) 

Failure number 4
In the second hearing, the judge dismissed the case based on evidence from our solicitor, who acted for the defendant. I was blamed for my former partner's anger.  How can that be Justice? How can a judge blame a woman for the man's anger?

Precarious Eviction vs Laws on Gender Violence

I have compiled a detailed timeline to provide a clear understanding of the escalating events.
This timeline highlights a pattern of concerning behaviour, including:

  • False allegations and criminal charges: Mr. H filed seven criminal allegations against me, that his Barcelona Solicitor requested a potential sentence of up to 17 years. These allegations, including theft, were demonstrably false as evidenced by a signed agreement from July 24th, 2021.

  • Misrepresentation of facts in legal proceedings: During a civil court hearing, Mr. H presented misleading information that was not challenged by my then-legal representative.

  • Discrimination and inadequate legal representation: I believe I have experienced discrimination based on my language and socioeconomic status within the Spanish legal system. My initial free legal defence was ineffective and ultimately replaced. There were two human rights violations: Article 6, Civil—Right to a Fair Hearing, and Article 7, Discrimination.

  • Utility disconnection and potential homelessness: Mr H terminated utilities at our shared property without warning, leaving me without basic necessities. He also initiated eviction proceedings despite ongoing legal disputes—another violation of human rights access to water and sanitation. Violation of Article 8: The right to respect private and family life.

  • Use of intimidation tactics: I have been subjected to threats and harassment, including an unauthorized attempt at eviction by a company not legally permitted to do so. Mr H states in his testimony to the criminal court that his legal advice was to “put her bags on the doorstep. I wished I had done that now.” Sept 2023 criminal court hearing.

I believe my case highlights a concerning vulnerability for foreign nationals in the Spanish legal system, particularly in cases of post-separation abuse involving litigation abuse, which is another form of power and control that was present in the relationship. 

I changed the names to protect the individuals and solicitors in my story.
No 1 in Self-Help For Abuse. Author name Loren Keeling
Post Separation Abuse. Betrayal and Abandonment. What Type Of Man?
The 2024 updated version is now available on Amazon.

If you live in the UK, you can buy now on Amazon Here

Also On Amazon US

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I Fought To Escape Post-Separation Abuse — The System Did Not Help Me.


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